Friday, January 27, 2012

Unifinished Junior Duck ( Work In Progress )

Good news, everyone! I'm entering the Junior Duck Stamp again! Hopefully this time I'll win some big bucks, haha. Anyways, here is the piece I'm working on. It is of two Adult Male Fulvous Whistling Ducks. Done with Colored Pencil on 9x12 Pastel Board.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Water Color Portrait

I am working on my practice for my Final in Art 2. And I finally figured out that THIS. This is what I want it to look like... But more executed. I whipped this up to see how I felt about it, and I love it. I'm definitely going to be doing something like this for my final. It is a self portrait of THIS photo. Probably in a Brownish Orangish/Turqoise/Yellow color scheme. I don't know if that's complimentary or not because of the yellow, haha. I AM SO PAMN DUMPED TO DO THIS.

Watercolor Galore

These are some watercolors  I've done in my Art 2 Class. Ther watercolor unit has been very fun for me. The only thing I really didn't like doing was the  second assignment. We all did brushwork in a grid. I didn't expand my thinking enough to think "If I can do this, I can do that, too." And I ended up limiting myself to the point where  I wanted to give up on it. ):
  • Top Left: Brush Work on  Cold Press 5x7
  • Top Right: Lifting on Hot Press 5x7
  • Bottom Left: Hard Edge/Soft Form on Hot Press 5x7 (Shell from Observation)
  • Bottom Right: Hard edge Soft Form  on Hot Press 5x7 (Cone from Observation)
I am working on my practice for my Final right now. I'm actually going to post that... right now.