Friday, September 16, 2011

Small Victories (The Name Tag)

This is my Name Tag. Sorry for the cut off edges. The top says "Susan DeRoche - Studio Art/Art 2." The bottom says "Take the small victories as they come, and EMBRACE them. - EYPM." That quote... Means so much to me. I think about what Erik said to me every time I feel sad. It doesn't necessarily cheer me up 100% of the time. But it sure does make me stop and look at things. I post that quote anywhere I can to remind myself of what he's done for me. Because at this point, if he stops talking to me, gets mad at me, moves away, ect. I won't rip it down or anything. I'll take the times we had as a great, great victory. And I'll embrace it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Art 2, Studio Art, and Bunnies

I finally started school, and I have the two most awesome classes for 80 minutes on Thursdays. Studio Art, and Art 2. I'm so excited for my little work space that I have all to myself! I get to decorate, and everything... Just go all out. Right now, I'm drawing a name tag that has giant white lips on black paper. On the bottom lip, I'm going to make it seem as if "SPeaK" is inked into her lip. I've started coloring the teeth and all the works, but I won't be finished until at least tomorrow. I'll have to post pictures. ;D
Art Two, we're doing the basics. One point perspective. I did that in 8th grade, and I remember a lot of it. I'm actually suprised as to how much  I remember. But my best friend is in that class. So I get to chit chat while drawing. Hoorah! I'm excited about this class too. But ... Sadly not as much as Studio Art, haha.
I made a new blog again! ( I deleted AP art blog. Because I didn't do ANYTHING in my sketchbook ). But nonetheless, I have a blog for my art on Bunny Kingdom ( ) now. I'll be posting some art that I make for other bunnies ( users ) on there. You can find it here.

Hope to see anyone that passes by! (: